Today has been a really, really good day.
First off, I finally figured out this whole deal with Tripod, NameZero, and Active Web Hosting. The winners? Why, the sleaziest - Tripod and NameZero. My dad convinced me that I don't really need what Active Web Hosting offers, and seeing that my website would be down until May, when the whole thing would be set in stone, I've decided to be impatient and stay with what I have. The deal is, since I just recently re-signed up with NameZero, I have to stay with them for at least 60 days until I can transfer my domain to the other registrar, Active Web Hosting. This means 60 days of paying for Active Web Hosting, which no one will be able to access in that time. Then I thought: why do I need a different host than Tripod, which I've trusted since 1996?
Active Web Hosting offers "unlimited" space and bandwidth, along with a free domain. But they don't allow ZIP files or MP3s, of which I have many. Their services are $10/month, or $120/year. Tripod doesn't offer a domain name, but they do offer a plus plan, along with 25 MB (adequate), more bandwidth, and no ads, for $5/month, and then I can team it up with NameZero, which costs $20/year. This Tripod-NameZero team would bring me to $80/year, which is $40 less than Active Web Hosting's plan. And I also wouldn't have to bother moving all my files over and changing all the link names. So I said, hey, I'll sign up with Tripod instead!
Well, Tripod screwed me.
Tripod has increased their free space from 200 KB up to 50 MB, and recently, because of the bad economy, they lowered it down to 20 MB. It would be unfair to take space away from people who already had this 50 MB, so they left their accounts the way they were. Tripod also has a Plus plan. The Plus plan, of course, offers more space, no ads, and so forth. But when the economy slowed, Tripod changed its Plus offering from 50 MB to 25 MB. I thought, hey, since I already have 50 MB, signing up for the Plus service shouldn't do anything to my space. Well guess what... it did! The moment I made a transaction with Tripod, my account was LOWERED by 25 MB! And this was for GIVING them money!
Now just think of this. We're talking about Tripod. If you have a problem with Tripod, consult the FAQ. If the FAQ can't answer your question... pray. Well, I chose a third option - to fill out a complaint. I said to myself, they'll never listen to my complaint! I probably only deserve 25 MB anyway! Here's the amazing part: THEY ACTUALLY LISTENED. The people there actually read my complaint, and do you know what they did? This is the unbelievable part... THEY RESTORED MY ACCOUNT TO 50 MB.
All of a sudden, I really love Tripod.
In other news, I have almost no homework over the weekend, and I get to hang out with Joel and Elliot, two kids I usually babysit - this time just as a friend. That's fine with me, not getting paid - I really like those kids. And Joel aims to become a Final Fantasy freak once his parents think he's old enough for a PS2. Hee.