Lucas, for whom I've made two MIDIs, has created a remix of the battle theme I made for him. It's a new arrival in my Fansongs section.
4/12/2002 05:37:16 PM

Maybe I was wrong about taking a year to finish all those requests, because I got another one done in a week! I finished an original composition of the Main Theme for Anime Chef Ayaka by Scott King. I think it's my best composition yet, although I based it heavily off other J-Pop songs. Enjoyoy.
4/11/2002 11:43:37 PM

This is a relative question, but... do you who are reading this think my site is popular?

You know, popular like "I don't have to answer questions and comments," and popular like "it's too crowded to have your opinions heard through forums/chat/other public comments." Well, if it's that last one, then of course my site is rather damn unpopular.

But having a website with a domain name, no ads, an attractive site design (well I like it), and being literate enough to type with complete sentences, capitalization, and punctuation, would that instantly make my website popular? To some people, it seems that way.

I guess what I'm really saying is that I enjoy talking to people who visit my website, and appreciate comments and questions from anyone. Many webcomics I read spout opinions which are very similar to my own, but I can't get in touch with the authors to talk with them. Like, I'd love to have a conversation with Joshua Lesnick, and boy oh boy does Greg Dean sound like my kind of guy, but they don't reply to my comments or questions. They seem like nice people and all... it's probably because they've heard it all before and have too much of their own work and other fans to deal with.

That's why I don't hang out in crowded places... like webcomic forums, overblown chatrooms like #fret and #square, and the like. I like to have space where I can be unique and have my opinions heard, since I know that there are thousands of people out there that are just like me. I guess I'm glad that just a personal blog gets as much attention as I'm getting. I think it's great that you guys who post comments and mail me take the time to do that. I'll take it that it means I'm interesting :D

...Or, it means that people want to suck up to get their MIDIs higher on the request list.
4/11/2002 09:10:31 PM

EXACTLY. I'm exactly like this guy, especially when it comes to the comments about the Jews and all... seeing I am one.
4/11/2002 04:13:55 PM

APRIL 26th.

Tell all your friends to dress up in their favorite pants (or two) that day! Celebrate the joy of pants!

I'm planning an online and offline celebration for the day Be prepared!
4/10/2002 05:34:56 PM

New poll for allsyalls! That is, as soon as my STUPID COMMENTS start to work again... grr...

If a truck were to crash, what do you think would be the funniest contents for it to spill all over the freeway?
4/10/2002 12:34:46 PM

I thought I'd share my list of pending MIDI requests. Seeing each one takes me an average duration of a month because of my busy schedule, it may be a YEAR before you hear some of these.
Green text denotes an original composition.

1. P Diddy - Bad Boy For Life
2. Final Fantasy X - Final Battle
3. Battle Theme for Bob Jones's Life of Bob
4. Final Fantasy V - Battle With Gilgamesh (piano arr.)
5. Main Theme for Gunner McGriffin's Zynx
6. Dragonball - Gohan's Theme (piano arr.)
7. Theme Park Theme for Lucas
8. Final Fantasy VII - Rufus's Welcoming Ceremony (polka ver.)
9. Rikki - Pure Heart
10. Golden Sun - Venus Tower
11. Faith Evans - I Love You
12. Kool and the Gang - Jungle Boogie
4/9/2002 10:50:15 PM